La Dama Negra Ship

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La Dama Negra Ship Rating: 3,5/5 7637 reviews

There’s something to be said about the word “Legendary”. In a game about pirates you would think a “Flying Dutchman” or a “Queen Anne’s Revenge” would surface. No, you see, in this game, it would be the unearthly talents that each of the five ships possess that make them legendary. The Legendary Ships that you can unlock by taking over the forts in each of the four corners of the map aren’t all that fancy looking, but they will absolutely make sure they give you a Legendary challenge. Once the 4 forts have been taken over, you will then see the large red ships appear on the map, out in the middle of nowhere in each corner. Before you even consider taking on any of the Legendary Ships, you will need to have your ship upgraded fully. You don’t necessarily need the elite upgrades, although I would suggest it for the hull.

  1. La Dama Negra Ship

The key factor for defeating the ship and winning 20,000R is to stop your ship or change sailing directions (moving zig-zag) whenever La Dama Negra fires mortars, because their landing position will be on your course a few meters in front of you.

That elite upgrade can be found in the San Ignacio Wreck. The cannons, heavy shot, chain-shots, mortars, and swivels will all need to be up to the fullest however. For your troubles, once you defeat all 5 Legendary Ships, you will receive the Devil of the Caribbean achievement/trophy as well as a special charge attack.

Legendary Ships: HMS Prince La Dama Negra HMS Fearless/Royal Sovereign El Impoluto WAYS TO DEFEAT THEM. HMS Prince The HMS Prince is similar to a Man’O War ship but with heavier hits and defense. It will try to get away from the Jackdaw with its superior speed while using Mortar on you. Similar to other mortar attacks, you will see the area of effect, giving you a small opportunity to avoid damage. Try to move close and use the chain and ram strategy, trying to stay as close as possible so that it prevents the HMS prince from using Mortar. The HMS Prince is probably the easiest of the Legendaries. La Dama Negra The La Dama Negra, probably the easiest Legendary battle, is very similar to the HMS Prince in terms of its attack style with one key difference: Unlike other ships’ mortar attacks, it does not show the area of effect.

One way to respond to the mortar attacks is try not to move towards it directly from a distance, as it will most likely fire devastating mortar shots in your path. If you are circling the La Dama, slow down a little when you see mortars coming, as most of its attacks are adjusted for where you are speeding towards. The best strategy against this ship is to stay close and use heavy cannons while ramming where you can, staying close will also mean reduced chance of it using mortar on the Jackdaw. Remember that her sides are heavily armoured. Moving behind her will allow you to do normal damage. HMS Fearless/Royal Sovereign This legendary battle is a fight against two ships, the HMS Fearless and Royal Sovereign. They both have less HP than the rest of the Legendaries, but they will come at you by funneling you between them and using their side cannons against you.

Best strategy is to chain shoot one and then ram them, once the boat is pinned down continue to use chain shot and ram, making sure the boat doesn’t get too far away from you. Another crucial part of the battle is to use brace when your boat is between the two. If you destroy one boat before the other, the remaining will employ a different strategy where it will constantly ram you for massive damage, so a good strategy is to damage one ship’s health to about 10% with the chain and ram strategy, then start using the chain and ram strategy on the other ship so that once you destroy one ship, you can finish the other one with one or two mortar shots or a good ramming. El Impoluto In terms of difficulty the El Impoluto is probably the hardest of the lot as it is a lot more aggressive and has massive ramming power compared to the other Legendaries. Strategy against it is to shoot chain and then ram where you can, however, given its superior movability compared to the Jackdaw, you will also have to employ cannons and mortars when El Impoluto runs away from you, it will respond with cannons, so remember to use brace when you see cannons coming. Mortars can be used to interrupt its wide turns and give you time to reset — when it speeds away from you, hit it as it begins a turn and it will try and avoid your shot, slowly turning the other direction. Do NOT try and ram El Impoluto on its side and accept the fact that it is far faster than the Jackdaw.

However, you can pull off a very carful ram attack to counter its own ramming run: As it approaches you to ram, turn towards Impoluto, accelerate, and send chain shot at it when it gets near. This will slow it enough, or stop it entirely, so that it cannot ram you. Use your own ram to hit it right to the left or right of its own ram. From here it will maneuver wildly, sometimes reeling into the air to reposition. Hit is hard with Heavy Shot and Swivels while it does. Find my resume on indeed. Another thing to watch out for is when it moves behind you, the best defence to deter it from ramming you is to let off a few fire barrels and let off a mortar to steer it away.

La Dama Negra Ship

The Black Lady with mortar. This fast ship's basic weapon is a long-range mortar, which has very short reload times. Additionally, both of its broadsides are covered with heavy armor and hosting a lot of cannons. The best tactic therefore, is to attack it from behind. You should fire the chase cannons at its stern. The slowed down ship can be further shot at from the chase cannons, or take a turn and fire heavy cannonballs, reinforced with the swivel gun but, do not let the enemy escape and respond with mortar fire. You can also attempt attacking from the side of the exposed bow but, it is going to be much more difficult, and additionally you might expose yourself to fire.